Minesweeper World

Play Online Minesweeper World Game

Minesweeper World Game

How to play Minesweeper World: Click in the minefield to expose a free space. Numbers show how many mines are adjacent to that square. Right-click to flag a square as a mine. Win by exposing all the non-mine squares.

Game | Display | Controls | Import | Export
Game ×
Height Width Mines
9 9 10
16 16 40
16 30 99
Display ×

Controls ×
  • Left-click an empty square to reveal it.
  • Right-click (or Ctrl+click) an empty square to flag it.
  • Midde-click (or left+right click) a number to reveal
    its adjacent squares.
  • Press space bar while hovering over a square to flag
    it or reveal its adjacent squares.
  • Press F2 or click the smiley face to start a new game.
  • Tap an empty square to reveal it.
  • Long-press an empty square to flag it.
  • Tap a number to reveal its adjacent squares.
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Minesweeper World

Creating comprehensive content on Minesweeper, including basic gameplay and rules, requires a detailed exploration of the game's mechanics, strategies, and variations. This classic puzzle game, which has entertained millions since its inception, involves clearing a grid of squares without detonating hidden mines. The game tests logical thinking and pattern recognition, offering various levels of difficulty to cater to both beginners and advanced players.

Basic Gameplay

Minesweeper is a single-player puzzle game. The game begins with a grid of covered squares. Some squares contain mines (bombs), while others are safe. The objective is to clear all the safe squares without clicking on any mines.

Starting the Game

Difficulty Levels: Players can choose from several difficulty levels, typically including Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert. These levels differ in grid size and the number of mines. Custom settings are also available in some versions.

First Click: The first square clicked will never be a mine. In many versions, this click will reveal a portion of the grid, providing initial clues.

Understanding the Grid

Numbers: When a square is revealed, it may display a number. This number indicates how many mines are adjacent to that square, including diagonally adjacent squares. A blank square means there are no adjacent mines.

Flagging Mines: Players can right-click (or use an alternative method on touch devices) on a square they suspect contains a mine to place a flag on it. This is a way to mark potential mines and avoid accidentally clicking them.

Chording: If a numbered square has the correct number of flagged mines around it, clicking both mouse buttons on that square will reveal all its non-flagged neighbors. This action, known as "chording," can speed up the game but requires caution.

Game Over Conditions

Winning: The game is won when all safe squares are revealed, and all mines are correctly flagged.

Losing: Clicking on a square with a mine results in an immediate loss. The game may offer an option to restart or review the failed attempt.

Advanced Gameplay and Strategies

Patterns and Deduction

- Recognizing patterns is crucial for advancing in Minesweeper. Common patterns include the "1-1" pattern along an edge, indicating a mine is adjacent to the first "1" but not between the "1s".

- Deductive reasoning based on the numbers revealed can help identify safe squares and potential mines. For example, if a "2" is adjacent to two covered squares and one is flagged as a mine, the other must also be a mine.

Efficiency Tips

- Starting Points: Begin in areas with more information. A corner or edge might seem safer, but a click in the center of the grid often reveals more squares.

- Flagging Strategy: While flagging helps keep track of suspected mines, excessive flagging can slow down the game. Some players prefer to flag only when necessary to use the chording technique effectively.

Probability and Guessing

- In some situations, players might need to guess which squares to click. When forced to guess, choosing squares with the lowest probability of containing a mine based on surrounding numbers can increase the chances of survival.

Variations and Modern Adaptations

Minesweeper has seen various adaptations over the years, including versions with new gameplay mechanics, themes, and online multiplayer modes. Some versions introduce new challenges, such as moving mines or time limits, to keep the game fresh and engaging.

Community and Competitive Play

The Minesweeper community is active, with players sharing strategies, competing for the fastest times, and participating in tournaments. Websites and forums serve as hubs for these activities, where enthusiasts can discuss techniques, share custom games, and post high scores.


Minesweeper is a timeless puzzle game that combines simple mechanics with deep strategic elements. Whether you're a beginner learning the basics or an experienced player honing your skills, the game offers endless hours of entertainment. By understanding the fundamental gameplay, mastering advanced strategies, and engaging with the community, players can enjoy all that Minesweeper has to offer.